On this blog we have stressed the reasons why video is so important to your marketing strategy. As we start a new year we thought it would be helpful to provide some interesting data points about the impact video has had and will continue to have in 2017.
Impact of Video
8M words is the estimated value of one minute of video. - Forrester Research
45%of Internet users view at least one online video over the course of a month. - comScore
100M Internet users watch online video every day. – Video Brewery
By 2019, online video will be responsible for four-fifths of global Internet traffic. In the US alone, online video will be responsible for 85% of domestic Internet traffic. – Tubular Insights
“How to” searches on YouTube are up 70%year-over-year. - Hubspot
Video Marketing and Advertising
4X as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. - Hubspot
75%of executives watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. - Insivia
According to Forbes, 59%of executives would rather watch a video than read text. - Forbes
96% of B2B organizations are using video as part of their online marketing and 73% of B2B organizations report positive ROI from video marketing. - Tubular Insights, Insivia
According to a report published by Forrester, including video in an email leads to a whopping 200-300%increase in click-through rate and an introductory email that includes a video improves an increased click-through rate by 96%. - Forrester, Business2Community
23% of people who have been presented with a poor quality video experience would hesitate to purchase from that brand. - KZO
Companies using video enjoy 41%more web traffic from search than non-users. - Hubspot
52%of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. - Hubspot
62%of consumers are more likely to have a negative perception of a brand that publishes poor-quality video. - Hubspot
Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines. - Hubspot
Combining video with full-page ads boosts engagement by 22%. - Insivia
Businesses using video grow company revenue 49%faster year-over-year than organizations without video. - Hubspot
By 2016 video ad spending will reach$5.4 Billion. - Break Media.
Digital marketing spend will grow from $57.29 billion in 2014 to $103.37 billion in 2019. – Ironpaper
Social and Mobile Video
92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others. - Invodo.
Video on social media generates 1,200%more shares than text and images combined. - Hubspot
40%of consumers state that video increases the chance they’ll purchase a product on their mobile device. - Hubspot
Mobile and tablet shoppers are 300%more likely to view a video than laptop/desktop users. - Singlegrain
Online video is about 50%of all mobile traffic. - Singlegrain
YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100%every year. - Insivia
By Bill Johnson